Trevor working

Trevor Smith


Trevor lives in Warren County with his wife, Nancy. Trevor and his wife moved to Virginia two years ago following their retirement from education in Michigan. Trevor taught Physics 2 for much of his career. Physics 2 is an engineering course for 11th and 12th grade high school students. He provided his students an environment where they would design and fabricate their own projects. The student’s projects would include bridges, boomerangs, gliders, rockets, radio-controlled vehicles, rat trap (spring) powered vehicles, etc. Additionally, Trevor sponsored a Long Board Club for students to participate in after the school day. Trevor’s classroom was always a busy (and noisy) environment. What was continually reinforced to him was how much students enthusiastically engage in learning when they share responsibility for the process. Learning by doing would be a simplification of his objective for the learners in his classroom.

Woodworking has been a creative outlet for Trevor since his early school years. He enjoys all forms of woodworking, but spends much of his time turning items on the lathe or using hand tools to build projects. The majority of his work trends towards the practical: objects that are useful and have the potential to increase the value to the owner the more they are used. Having professional chefs and cooks in the family has drawn him to useful and lasting kitchen tools. A variety of these utensils are on display.

His love for artistic design, woodwork and education continues. Trevor attends master woodworking courses and continues to learn and develop his skills. With a fully functioning home shop, he enjoys creating projects that are new to him along with his more familiar projects. Stick Chair design and construction is one of his new(er) interests. Because Trevor enjoys the problem-solving aspect of making wood art, he seldom makes very many of the exact thing. He is drawn in by the opportunity to solve new (to him) challenges, hence the varied breadth that his work covers.

As a professional educator, he enjoys sharing his knowledge, techniques and acquired skills with interested individuals. Before moving to Virginia, Trevor taught woodworking and assisted professional woodworkers teaching their courses.